Academic Orientation is the Second Stage of FEP. Basically, the lecturers gave us introduction to the classes. The aim was to get students understands the foundation of the lesson.
The day started with a collaborative class, which meant that we are going have three different classes in one big room. All of the students present at that time were IT students. The lecturer’s name is Rulyna, she introduced us to algorithm and programming.
Moving on, the big class was separated to smaller ones. At that point, my friends were scrambled all around in different classes depending on their scores in TOEFL. My class is LC02, which is the Global Class. I thought the staff in the admission was making fun when she told me that there was less than 15 people. It turned out that she wasn’t joking, there are only 13 of us. In addition, not even a single girl, what a typical IT class.
Miss Rulyna also turned out to be our lecture. She taught us more on how to take notes effectively using mind maps, cornell system, and how to deliver a proper presentation. Continuing the class earlier, She told us more about algorithm, pseudocode, and how they corelated with each other. We take several exercise making algorithm using pseudocode. We also had the chance to use the computer lab and try our code by our own. It was really interesting. I realized that coding can be fun in some ways.
In the end of AO, we had to take an exam to test our knowledge which we had previously learnt. It consists of two question, 2 essays and 4 programming questions. They essays were general, most of us could do it easily. The problem came in programming section. Many of us struggled with number 3 and 4. Fortunately, I passed.
That was my experience in Academic Orientation.